It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. I feel like I’ve almost forgotten what to do and what to say but at the same time, I really miss having an outlet to write. That being said - I have some goals for this February and hopefully - I’ll be able to achieve some of them.
1. Blog 3 times per week minimum. Even if it’s just pictures or trying to document the day - I want to start this little blog of mine again.
2. Organize my craft room. Right now it’s just a dumping zone for things we don’t know where to put. I really want to get it cleaned and organized so that I can take an hour or two in the evening to do some crafts without feeling like I have to spend my time cleaning and then not get anything done.
3. Set up my Lipsense facebook page. I recently started selling Senegence beauty products. I am IN LOVE with their lipsense line. It’s kiss proof, smudge proof lipstick. And it stays on for most of the day - and as a Mom - not having to reapply my lipstick every 30 minutes is awesome. AND when I kiss my little Bean’s face all the time, my lipstick doesn’t come off on her lol.
4. Make a practice cake for Danie’s wedding. My sister is getting hitched soon and I’m making the cake for the wedding. Granted, it will be made at her house so the oven will be different and she lives in another country so the weather may make things different too. But I still want to try it out at least once before we head down there.
So there you have it - February’s goals. Hopefully I can stick to them :)
Do you make monthly goals?? Or did you make some awesome New Year’s Resolutions - and are you sticking to them??