

I’m a 30-something Stay at Home Momma to two wonderful little girls who are 2.5 years old and 9 months right now.  I’m married to an amazing man, who is a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force.  I love to read, craft, scrapbook, sew, make cards, and just be creative.  When I’m not at Stay at Home Momma, I am a dance instructor.  I teach all types of dance from ballet and jazz to tap and musical theatre, my all time favourite is Creative Movement for 3 and 4 year olds though, they LOVE to dance and it is always so inspiring to teach their classes.  I trained at the Canadian College of Performing Arts in Victoria BC, and it was a grueling yet rewarding experience (although I didn’t appreciate it at the time).  I was a military brat growing up so I’m no stranger to moving around.  I love to travel but have only been as far as Jamaica and Cuba.  My dream holiday is Australia or Thailand or DisneyWorld again lol.  That’s me in a nutshell – thanks for stopping by!!

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