Back home! We have returned from the land of butter and fried chicken...otherwise known as Georgia lol. This time when we went to Georgia, we were smart. We flew out of Syracuse, it's only a 2 hour drive - same length to Ottawa from home... and it was half the price!! We have decided that is totally the way to travel down there. We flew with Delta Airlines and I have to admit - they were AWESOME. I've flown a lot in my life and I've flown 3 times since Nora was born, and Delta was by far the nicest to travel with. The flight attendants were helpful - they made sure that Paul and I sat together, they offered help when we needed it, and you still get free snacks with Delta lol. Definitely way better than Air Canada.
Georgia itself was awesome. Saturday the boys went golfing and the girls hung out. We went to La Parilla for dinner and it was DELICIOUS. And because it was my birthday dinner, they sang me Happy Birthday and made me wear a huge sombrero. Sunday we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving and had a nice huge turkey dinner. Monday, Paul went back home and we also went to The Tanger Outlet Mall... my favourite place :) Bought lots of fun things - I got a new leather jacket for my birthday from Mom and Dad. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we hung out in Macon, went shopping, and really had a great time. And then on Friday - we went to the Georgia National Fair. IT WAS AWESOME! I had funnel cakes, an ICEE, and Cotton Candy - a true fair experience. And Auntie Danie also won Nora a toy while we were walking down the midway. Saturday was a sucky day - but that's because I had to come back home. It was really nice to sleep in my own bed though lol.
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