
Checking In

This week has been very trying.  We have had one cranky little lady on our hands.  During the day she is MOSTLY okay but come 7pm – we have a crankypants on our hands.  She is teething in the most ridiculous way right now.  Hand in her mouth constantly, runny nose, a bit of a diaper rash – all common teething symptoms.  Oh and swollen little gums.  It breaks my Momma heart that I can’t make her feel better.  We rock and rock and rock at night.  She constantly wants to be held and wants to wrap her little hands in my hair.  It’s frustrating to say the least.  Plus we are trying really hard to have her sleep in her crib, in her room, and not in our room in the playpen or the bed.  It’s tough on rough nights like these.  But I’m surviving so far.  I’m just tired.

I feel like I’m really complainy today so I’m not going to write much because it just won’t be a happy post.  Here’s hoping Friday is a better day!

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  1. Oh, no :( I hope N feels better soon and gives you a break!
