
So What Wednesday....

SO WHAT.....
- if I haven't had a chance to properly blog in over a month... it's been busy
- if my daughter has slept in our bed every night since our company left - if it means she sleeps, I'm SO cool with it.
- if it's 9:54pm and we are SO ready for bed.
- if I'm not sure I'm happy being back at work with my retail job
- if I hate the dentist and put it off for far too long and now might have a HUGE cavity - possibly even need a root canal... we'll find out tomorrow night after my dental appt :(
- if my baby may not have gained enough weight to make our doctor happy - her 1 year appt and shots are tomorrow morning... we'll see what happens but we don't think she's gained much :(
- if I just want to sleep.... 

I promise - real blog post to come this week - I have all the pics from Nora's birthday put onto my laptop now so I WILL blog about it :)

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  1. Just stumbled across your blog :)

    And it's totally okay about being too busy to blog! We all have those days... weeks... months!

    I am the SAMMMME way about the dentist! Hate it with a passion and have been continuously putting it off... Until of course my tooth hurt and I know it's a cavity/root canal, but i'm still wayyyy too scared to visit the dentist (I must put that on my list now! Thanks for reminding me!) Good luck with yours & I realllllly hope it's more of a cavity and not a root canal! :(
