
It's been a Long Day


Oh Saturday.  You are supposed to be an awesome and relaxing day.  Today you were far from it.  Today started off as a wonderful day – Nora and I slept in until just after 9 am.  This Never Happens.  Ever.  So that in itself was wonderful…however the day went downhill yet uphill from there.  So many good and bad parts to the day lol.  I put Nora down for her nap at 11am, as she asked to go upstairs and signed that she was sleepy.  She then proceeded to cry for an hour and pretty much destroyed her bedroom – took the cushion off her rocker, moved the footstool part behind the door, took everything off her change table.  But I was able to vacuum the basement and do a load of laundry.  Then my buddy Alicia came over to have a crafting afternoon.  We hung out upstairs for a bit with Miss Nora, who then said she was tired again so we tried the whole nap thing again.  And it didn’t work.  But we let her play in her room for about an hour, while we tried to make my sewing machine work.  If you recall, it stopped working before Christmas when my mother in law was here, she took it in to get fixed, then used it.  And it’s been in it’s case since then.  Today was the first time I’ve taken it out.  And it doesn’t work.  At All.  So now I need to start saving up for a new sewing machine, which is a real bother, because I could have just bought a new one in December instead of fixing this one only to have it crap out on me again.  So crafting was mostly a bust – I did do a pinterest inspired project which I will be posting about later this week!  YAY  Then we had Tortiere for dinner which my Mom so kindly made yesterday before she left and it was delicious.  Alicia went home and then it was just me and Nora.  We Facetimed with my parents which was fun and then Nora said she was tired again.  And once again, it was the battle of the baby.  She finally fell asleep about an hour ago (9 pm) with her fingers entwined in my hair, snuggling on my bed.  I will be so thankful when Paul gets home tomorrow night.   To all you Momma’s out there who deal with your hubby being away on a regular basis – I completely Salute you.  This week was a lot harder than I was expecting it to be, and I even had my Mom in town for most of it.  I also think I forgot how tired and impatient pregnancy makes me lol.  Hope that Saturday was a better day for most of you.  I’m looking forward to tomorrow, and the arrival of my Hubby – the European Traveller.  I caught a glimpse of some of the pictures he took on his phone via our iphone photostream – they look amazing!!

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  1. Saturday was a weird nap day here, too. K cried for an hour as well. He never does that. Full moon? ;)
