
It's what day??


The last week has been a complete blur lol.

We got home from vacation.
My in-laws arrived.
My sister arrived.
We celebrated Annika's first birthday.
Then it was Easter.  And Annika's baptism. Then Easter dinner and birthday cake.
My sister went home.
My in-laws went home.
Paul had his pre-check ride for Phase 1.
Nora had her first dance performance at a Senior's home (she is TOO cute in her costume).
Annika is getting more teeth and is super clingy.
Annika is also walking now.  And climbing furniture.  And giving her mother mini heart attacks on a regular basis.
I had dance class tonight.  My knees hurt now lol.  I feel old.

And that my friends is how it is April 24th, and I haven't blogged since the 11th and I have NO idea how it got to be the end of April or how I now have a one year old.  LIFE IS CRAZY lol.  But I love it.  Happy Thursday to y'all.  I promise more blogging in the future (Nora is having a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's tomorrow night so that means only one child for us to watch tomorrow lol WOOHOO!!)

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  1. My life to a t. How does so much time pass so quickly? Personally I hate it because it means the baby is growing way too quickly!
