Dear Time,
Please slow down a little bit. Things are moving too fast right now.
Thanks! Love me.
Dear NoraBear,
Please start sleeping better. Last night sucked.
Thanks for crying it out tonight.
I hope you sleep well.
Love Mommy
Dear Baby #2,
I'm sorry we don't have a cool nickname for you yet.
We're working on it, I promise.
Could you try to not make me sick this week anymore?
I'm not down with this whole day/night/all the time sick feeling.
Love Mommy
Dear Hubby,
Thanks for putting up with my crazy hormones.
And my angry hormones.
And my sad hormones.
And really for just putting up with me.
I swear I'll be nicer in the 2nd trimester :)
Love your Wifey
Dear Bella,
I love you puppy but if you jump on the counter and eat my
waffles (or anything else) again, you're going to be in BIG trouble.
Love your momma
Dear McDonald's,
Why am I craving your fries dipped in BBQ sauce? That's weird
And expensive. Please stop building in locations that are close to me.
The pregger girl who loves Fries.
Dear Parental units,
Thanks for the plane ticket!! Norabear and I are PUMPED!!
Love your fave baby girl.
Dear Sister,
Thank you for the Rider blanket.
Thank you for the cabbage patch hat.
Thank you for the unstarted Jets blanket
(I figure advance thanks is a good thing, right???)
Only 8 sleeps til we're at the Georgia House!!!
Love your baby sister :)
Ha! I've always loved Mickey D's fries in BBQ sauce. Weird, I know. Anywho...thanks for stopping by the blog :)
ReplyDeleteHi from the linkup!!
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel a little bit better from the pregnancy!! I can't wait to hear the name you pick out for baby number 2. I've always love Mc Donalds fries with BBQ sauce. Also, I'm not a big fan of ketchup but with MD's fries, I have to have. Now I really want Mc Donalds lol.
Anyway, I hope you have a good weekend!!
Hello from the link up
ReplyDeleteIf you figure out how to slow down time could you let me know. I'm having the same issue, it's going to fast!
My son always dips his fries in bbq sauce and now I do too. It's delicious! But you can't just use any sauce it HAS to be Mcd's.
ReplyDeleteI hope you start feeling better soon! Morning sickness is no joke. It should really be called all day can't take it anymore just let me be asleep because then I can't feel sick sickness... =/
Ashley~ http://this-unscripted-life.blogspot.com/
I feel ya on the all day/night sickness. I had it bad with our second and now number 3 on the way it is the same thing. Yuck. We don't have a nickname either. I find myself calling the baby "it"...how terrible is that.