

Linking up with Randalin at Harvesting Kale and Lindsey at OT & ET
needing, listening, learning, jumping, building
I am currently NEEDING... sleep.  I just want one night of sleep that is uninterrupted.  I love my children, but Mommy just wants a little bit of sleep.

I am currently LISTENING... to the hum of the air conditioners and my laptop.  I am so thankful that we have AC in our two bedrooms upstairs.  I'm not quite sure how we survived last summer with only the AC in our bedroom (actually, I do know how, Nora slept on an air mattress on our floor lol).  But it has been so awesome to have two of them.

I am currently LEARNING... how to be a Jamberry Independent Consultant.  And I LOVE it.  If you want to know more, or if you want to try a free sample, send me a message and I can tell you all about it.  Seriously, I love these things, I've had mine on for 5 days and they are still in awesome shape and I have been crazy hard on them lol.

I am currently JUMPING... into everything that I'm involved in with both feet.  I feel like the first part of the summer was kind of slow and not super great for me, and now - I am jumping in with both feet and just going for everything.  I am no longer fearing failure in any of my endeavors which is a great feeling.

I am currently BUILDING... an EMPIRE.  Not really.  I just felt like that was the right answer lol.  I'm building my home-based businesses.  I guess that would be the best answer lol.  And I'm about to reply to all the lovely people who said they would review hair things for me :)  Y'all are about to get some awesome fall goodies sent your way!!

Hope you enjoyed this and I'll see ya next week!
Next weeks themes: 
craving, cleaning, daydreaming, growing, reading

Grateful Heart

Grateful Heart linkup w/ Ember Grey

So I realized after starting this, it was a Monday link up, but I really like it, so even though it's Wednesday, I thought I would link up anyways :)

My Husband
I am so grateful for a loving, caring husband who has the same goals as me.  A husband who supports the things I love to do.  A husband who is wonderful with our children.  He is everything I could have ever wanted and so much more.

My Children - Nora and Annika
These two girls are my world.  They teach me so much about myself every day.  And they are pretty cute too.  The two of them make me want to try harder at everything I do so that they try harder too.  I want so much for them to succeed in life at whatever they dream to do.  Nora tells me she wants to be a dancer and a Mommy and a chef.  Or at least that's what she wants to be today lol.  Annika is so full of sass and spunk - she challenges me on a regular basis (and she's only one - my world is going to be crazy as she gets older) but even her craziness makes me happy.

My family
Once upon a time, I didn't really talk to my parents or my sister.  Let's just call that the dark phase of my life.  And I really regret it.  They are my foundation essentially.  I love them all to pieces and couldn't imagine a life without them.  I'm already getting super sad thinking of the chances of us being posted away from them, it's been such a treat being here for the past year with my parents only a phone call away.

So many other things 
Honestly, I am very grateful for most things in my life right now.  My husband has a steady job, we are all healthy, we are all happy (at least our immediate family is lol) and I don't have anything that I necessarily "need" or even want.  Life is pretty darn good right now.

Thanks to Ember Grey for hosting this awesome link up!!

Weekly Wishes

The Nectar Collective

Weekly Wishes

Linking up with the Lovely Melyssa over at The Nectar Collective.  I love goal setting and after a whirlwind beginning of the summer – I’m in the need for actually making some new goals and sticking to them.

1.        Write a blog plan and stick to it for the week.  I have majorly slacked on the blogging lately.  I really have no excuse for it other than I just haven’t made the time for it.

2.       Host my first Jamberry Nails Party.  That’s right folks, I’m the newest Jamberry Nails rep lol.  And I LOVE IT.  If you want to order them – I can ship to the US and Canada, check out my site:

3.       Clean our Dining Room up.  We are getting a new table and chairs.  By the time I post this, they may already be in our house.  They are not new – new, just new to us.  It’s actually my Grandma and Grandpa’s Dining Room set.  When they passed away, my Uncle and his wife received the table, chairs, buffet and hutch.  They are getting a new set from her family now, and since we finally live in the same city as family, they asked if I would like them so they stay within our immediate family.  We of course said Yes immediately.  I hope that everything fits and that they look nice lol.

4.       Make some big decisions – I may have a great opportunity to make some extra cash coming up soon but we need to decide if it’s worth the time and effort or not.  Ahh being a grown up lol.

So check back with me next week to see if I’ve managed to accomplish ANY of these items lol.



I am guest posting over on one of my FAVOURITE blogs today!!! 

View From the Fridge!!!  Katie just had an adorable baby boy and was looking for people to help her out this summer as she learns to deal with being a Mother to 3 little boys!!  Seriously, she is awesome, read her posts, you will find fabulous ideas.

You have know idea how excited I was to do this (maybe my exclamation marks are giving it away lol).  

Go check it out - I talk about the World's Best Cookies :)

Coffee Break

Most military communities in Canada are located in larger cities, which makes the military community seem very far away from each other at times. I'm very lucky that where we live now, we have an amazing Military Family Resource Centre aka MFRC. They have a ton of different programming for families. One of the big things they do every month is have a Coffee Break on the first Thursday of the month.

This past month, Coffee Break fell on July 3rd, right in between Canada Day and the 4th of July - so we made it a Canada United States theme :)

We had festive fruit!
Veggies with dip in cups - thanks to Pinterest lol. 
My mom made a yellow ribbon cake. 
I made the American stars and the Canadian maple leafs. 
More of our yummy food. 
We also had cheese and crackers. 
Blueberry French toast casserole. 
Mini quiche. 

All in all the morning was a success. It's one of the things I looked forward to the most when we moved back here. 

5 fabulous things about this Friday

Ooooo I'm so excited for this link up!!! These two blogs are relatively new to me, I only just found them recently. And I LOVE them!! Thanks for hosting this link up ladies!

Five Fabulous Things About This Friday

1. I spent the last week with my sister and her man, who were in from Georgia visiting us. The not so fabulous thing was that they went home this morning, but it was fabulous to have them visit us and Nora and Annika loved having them here. 

Nora getting a matchy matchy dress to Isabelle from Auntie Danie. 

2. Today was 7-11 day. Free slurpees from 7-11. What more could anyone want? I forgot to take pictures of this but it did happen lol. 

3. We went to the wading pool by our house again. The girls LOVED it. 

4. After that, we went to a new to us park by our house. Again, it was loved by everyone. 

 5. Both girls were in bed and asleep by 8pm. If that isn't fabulous, I don't know what is lol. 

Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!!!


June Goal Recap

Since it's already the 8th of July, I figured I should do my June Goals Recap and list my goals for July.

June Goals:

1. Make it to 2500 Swagbucks. - Done and done :) Cashed it out and got $25 Paypal dollars! If you're interested in joining, it's easy and super awesome -

2. Meal Plan - Meal planned for the whole month and we pretty much stuck to it.  I was pretty happy with our success.

3. Make blog plan. - failed miserably again.  I just couldn't get motivated.  I'm still finding the motivation a little lacking, but I'm guessing it's because it's so beautiful outside and I don't want to be by my computer lol.

4. Plan Nora's Birthday. - Check mark!  And it was a HUGE success.  Once I get the photos loaded onto my computer, I will post all about it.  Let's just say, she was a teensy bit surprised with everything that happened!

5. Clean Dining Room. - that's a negative as well.  I tried, but with birthdays and everything else, it just didn't happen.

6. Host Stampin' Up Catalog Launch Party. - well I hosted the party.  Only 2 people showed up though.  I'm kind of bummed about it.  Selling Stampin' Up is turning out to be super hard still.  I thought that maybe once I was back in Manitoba I would be able to do it again, but it's still proving to be very difficult.

7. Go through 1 dresser in bedroom. - also did not happen.  I had good intentions but I just ran out of time.

I'm hoping that July will prove to be a better month for me.  4/7 isn't too bad, but it isn't great either lol.

Without further adieu - my July Goals:

1. Host 4th of July BBQ.  I know it's after the 4th, but I made these goals at the beginning of July, I just hadn't posted them yet.

2. Launch cardmaking business.  I had a lot of compliments on Nora's birthday invites, so I'm thinking about making and selling invites... we will see if this actually happens or not lol.

3. Earn 2500 Swagbucks.  I figure if I can make myself an extra $25 Paypal per month by not doing a lot, that's a pretty good thing lol.

4. Participate in giveaway on Facebook - I'll have more details about this later this month, but I'm SUPER excited about this!!

5. Clean Dining Room.  We are about to inherit my Grandparent's Dining Room table, chairs, buffet and hutch.  When they passed away, my Uncle and his wife took them, because my parents had a beautiful set from when they got married.  We were supposed to get their table when we *hopefully* purchase a house later this year when we get posted somewhere *hopefully* here.  However, my Aunt had a family member pass who is moving across the country and they are getting rid of all of their furnishings, so my Uncle and Aunt want that dining room set.  And since we are the only ones living in the city who would want my Grandparents set, we get it!  I'm beyond excited to have this family heirloom.  I loved their Dining Room set when I was little.  So - with that little story - I NEED to have the Dining Room clean so that everything will fit into here nicely when we get it.

I think I'll leave this at five for now - if I decide to add more, they will probably just be weekly goals instead.    


Canada Day!

We have had such a busy June and and July so far. I'm going to do my best to play catch up and post about all the grand things we have done lately. :)

Canada Day was pretty crummy here this year. The day started off cold and rainy so we actually canceled our plans to go to the park for all the festivities. Instead we headed over to our good friends house for an indoor BBQ lunch complete with blanket forts and family pictures (since Paul's sister and her boyfriend were in town - and long convoluted story - her boyfriend is my good friends brother  so it was a real family get together lol). 

The Epic Blanket Fort
Two little munchkins trying to hide from us.
These two are going to be troublemakers when they get older lol. 

Paul, his sister Melissa and our two girls. Unfortuantely, this is the best picture we got of them - in most of them Nora and Annika are all over the place lol.

Having some sparkler fun with Daddy
More sparkler fun!

The weather cleared up so we took a bike ride through the park to the ice cream store - this is Nora's Happy Birthday Canada face lol. 

Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends out there!!!